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<?php/* @description     Transformation Style Sheets - Revolutionising PHP templating    * * @author          Tom Butler                                             * * @copyright       2017 Tom Butler <> |                      * * @license  BSD License * * @version         1.2                                                             */namespace Transphporm\Hook;use \Transphporm\Parser\Tokenizer;/** Determines whether $element matches the pseudo rule such as nth-child() or [attribute="value"] */class PseudoMatcher {	private $pseudo;	private $valueParser;	private $functions = [];	private $funcParts = [];	public function __construct($pseudo, \Transphporm\Parser\Value $valueParser) {		$this->pseudo = $pseudo;		$this->valueParser = $valueParser;	}	public function registerFunction($name, \Transphporm\Pseudo $pseudo) {		$this->functions[$name] = $pseudo;	}	public function matches($element) {		foreach ($this->pseudo as $i => $tokens) {			$parts = $this->getFuncParts($i, $tokens);			if ($parts['name'] === null) $parts['name'] = 'data';			if (!isset($this->functions[$parts['name']])) continue;			if ($this->match($parts, $this->functions[$parts['name']], $element) === false) {				return false;			}		}		return true;	}	private function match($parts, $function, $element) {		try {			$matches = $function->match($parts['name'], $parts['args'], $element);			if ($matches === false) return false;		}		catch (\Exception $e) {			throw new \Transphporm\RunException(\Transphporm\Exception::PSEUDO, $parts['name'], $e);		}	}	private function getFuncParts($i, $tokens) {		if (isset($this->funcParts[$i])) return $this->funcParts[$i];		$parts = [];		$canCache = true;		$parts['name'] = $this->getFuncName($tokens);		if ($parts['name'] === null || in_array($parts['name'], ['data', 'iteration', 'root'])) {			//If the args are dynamic, it can't be cached as it may change between calls			$canCache = false;			$parts['args'] = $this->valueParser->parseTokens($tokens);		}		else if (count($tokens) > 1) {			$tokens->rewind();			$tokens->next();			$this->skipWhitespace($tokens);			$parts['args'] = $this->valueParser->parseTokens($tokens->current()['value']);		}		else $parts['args'] = [['']];		if ($canCache) $this->funcParts[$i] = $parts;		return $parts;	}	private function skipWhitespace($tokens) {		while ($tokens->current()['type'] === 'WHITESPACE' || $tokens->current()['type'] == 'NEWLINE') $tokens->next();	}	private function getFuncName($tokens) {		if ($tokens->type() === Tokenizer::NAME) return $tokens->read();		return null;	}	public function hasFunction($name) {		foreach ($this->pseudo as $tokens) {			if ($name === $this->getFuncName($tokens)) return true;		}	}	public function getFuncArgs($name) {		foreach ($this->pseudo as $i => $tokens) {			$parts = $this->getFuncParts($i, $tokens);			if ($name === $parts['name']) return $parts['args'];		}	}}