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<?php/* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */namespace Symfony\Component\Routing;use Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\LoaderLoadException;use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\ResourceInterface;use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator\RoutingConfigurator;trigger_deprecation('symfony/routing', '5.1', 'The "%s" class is deprecated, use "%s" instead.', RouteCollectionBuilder::class, RoutingConfigurator::class);/** * Helps add and import routes into a RouteCollection. * * @author Ryan Weaver <> * * @deprecated since Symfony 5.1, use RoutingConfigurator instead */class RouteCollectionBuilder{    /**     * @var Route[]|RouteCollectionBuilder[]     */    private $routes = [];    private $loader;    private $defaults = [];    private $prefix;    private $host;    private $condition;    private $requirements = [];    private $options = [];    private $schemes;    private $methods;    private $resources = [];    public function __construct(LoaderInterface $loader = null)    {        $this->loader = $loader;    }    /**     * Import an external routing resource and returns the RouteCollectionBuilder.     *     *     $routes->import('blog.yml', '/blog');     *     * @param mixed $resource     *     * @return self     *     * @throws LoaderLoadException     */    public function import($resource, string $prefix = '/', string $type = null)    {        /** @var RouteCollection[] $collections */        $collections = $this->load($resource, $type);        // create a builder from the RouteCollection        $builder = $this->createBuilder();        foreach ($collections as $collection) {            if (null === $collection) {                continue;            }            foreach ($collection->all() as $name => $route) {                $builder->addRoute($route, $name);            }            foreach ($collection->getResources() as $resource) {                $builder->addResource($resource);            }        }        // mount into this builder        $this->mount($prefix, $builder);        return $builder;    }    /**     * Adds a route and returns it for future modification.     *     * @return Route     */    public function add(string $path, string $controller, string $name = null)    {        $route = new Route($path);        $route->setDefault('_controller', $controller);        $this->addRoute($route, $name);        return $route;    }    /**     * Returns a RouteCollectionBuilder that can be configured and then added with mount().     *     * @return self     */    public function createBuilder()    {        return new self($this->loader);    }    /**     * Add a RouteCollectionBuilder.     */    public function mount(string $prefix, self $builder)    {        $builder->prefix = trim(trim($prefix), '/');        $this->routes[] = $builder;    }    /**     * Adds a Route object to the builder.     *     * @return $this     */    public function addRoute(Route $route, string $name = null)    {        if (null === $name) {            // used as a flag to know which routes will need a name later            $name = '_unnamed_route_'.spl_object_hash($route);        }        $this->routes[$name] = $route;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets the host on all embedded routes (unless already set).     *     * @return $this     */    public function setHost(?string $pattern)    {        $this->host = $pattern;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets a condition on all embedded routes (unless already set).     *     * @return $this     */    public function setCondition(?string $condition)    {        $this->condition = $condition;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets a default value that will be added to all embedded routes (unless that     * default value is already set).     *     * @param mixed $value     *     * @return $this     */    public function setDefault(string $key, $value)    {        $this->defaults[$key] = $value;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets a requirement that will be added to all embedded routes (unless that     * requirement is already set).     *     * @param mixed $regex     *     * @return $this     */    public function setRequirement(string $key, $regex)    {        $this->requirements[$key] = $regex;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets an option that will be added to all embedded routes (unless that     * option is already set).     *     * @param mixed $value     *     * @return $this     */    public function setOption(string $key, $value)    {        $this->options[$key] = $value;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets the schemes on all embedded routes (unless already set).     *     * @param array|string $schemes     *     * @return $this     */    public function setSchemes($schemes)    {        $this->schemes = $schemes;        return $this;    }    /**     * Sets the methods on all embedded routes (unless already set).     *     * @param array|string $methods     *     * @return $this     */    public function setMethods($methods)    {        $this->methods = $methods;        return $this;    }    /**     * Adds a resource for this collection.     *     * @return $this     */    private function addResource(ResourceInterface $resource): self    {        $this->resources[] = $resource;        return $this;    }    /**     * Creates the final RouteCollection and returns it.     *     * @return RouteCollection     */    public function build()    {        $routeCollection = new RouteCollection();        foreach ($this->routes as $name => $route) {            if ($route instanceof Route) {                $route->setDefaults(array_merge($this->defaults, $route->getDefaults()));                $route->setOptions(array_merge($this->options, $route->getOptions()));                foreach ($this->requirements as $key => $val) {                    if (!$route->hasRequirement($key)) {                        $route->setRequirement($key, $val);                    }                }                if (null !== $this->prefix) {                    $route->setPath('/'.$this->prefix.$route->getPath());                }                if (!$route->getHost()) {                    $route->setHost($this->host);                }                if (!$route->getCondition()) {                    $route->setCondition($this->condition);                }                if (!$route->getSchemes()) {                    $route->setSchemes($this->schemes);                }                if (!$route->getMethods()) {                    $route->setMethods($this->methods);                }                // auto-generate the route name if it's been marked                if ('_unnamed_route_' === substr($name, 0, 15)) {                    $name = $this->generateRouteName($route);                }                $routeCollection->add($name, $route);            } else {                /* @var self $route */                $subCollection = $route->build();                if (null !== $this->prefix) {                    $subCollection->addPrefix($this->prefix);                }                $routeCollection->addCollection($subCollection);            }        }        foreach ($this->resources as $resource) {            $routeCollection->addResource($resource);        }        return $routeCollection;    }    /**     * Generates a route name based on details of this route.     */    private function generateRouteName(Route $route): string    {        $methods = implode('_', $route->getMethods()).'_';        $routeName = $methods.$route->getPath();        $routeName = str_replace(['/', ':', '|', '-'], '_', $routeName);        $routeName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9A-Z_.]+/', '', $routeName);        // Collapse consecutive underscores down into a single underscore.        $routeName = preg_replace('/_+/', '_', $routeName);        return $routeName;    }    /**     * Finds a loader able to load an imported resource and loads it.     *     * @param mixed       $resource A resource     * @param string|null $type     The resource type or null if unknown     *     * @return RouteCollection[]     *     * @throws LoaderLoadException If no loader is found     */    private function load($resource, string $type = null): array    {        if (null === $this->loader) {            throw new \BadMethodCallException('Cannot import other routing resources: you must pass a LoaderInterface when constructing RouteCollectionBuilder.');        }        if ($this->loader->supports($resource, $type)) {            $collections = $this->loader->load($resource, $type);            return \is_array($collections) ? $collections : [$collections];        }        if (null === $resolver = $this->loader->getResolver()) {            throw new LoaderLoadException($resource, null, 0, null, $type);        }        if (false === $loader = $resolver->resolve($resource, $type)) {            throw new LoaderLoadException($resource, null, 0, null, $type);        }        $collections = $loader->load($resource, $type);        return \is_array($collections) ? $collections : [$collections];    }}