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<?php/* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper;use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\NoConfigurationException;use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface;use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;/** * @author Nicolas Grekas <> * * @internal * * @property RequestContext $context */trait CompiledUrlMatcherTrait{    private $matchHost = false;    private $staticRoutes = [];    private $regexpList = [];    private $dynamicRoutes = [];    private $checkCondition;    public function match(string $pathinfo): array    {        $allow = $allowSchemes = [];        if ($ret = $this->doMatch($pathinfo, $allow, $allowSchemes)) {            return $ret;        }        if ($allow) {            throw new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow));        }        if (!$this instanceof RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface) {            throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('No routes found for "%s".', $pathinfo));        }        if (!\in_array($this->context->getMethod(), ['HEAD', 'GET'], true)) {            // no-op        } elseif ($allowSchemes) {            redirect_scheme:            $scheme = $this->context->getScheme();            $this->context->setScheme(key($allowSchemes));            try {                if ($ret = $this->doMatch($pathinfo)) {                    return $this->redirect($pathinfo, $ret['_route'], $this->context->getScheme()) + $ret;                }            } finally {                $this->context->setScheme($scheme);            }        } elseif ('/' !== $trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/') ?: '/') {            $pathinfo = $trimmedPathinfo === $pathinfo ? $pathinfo.'/' : $trimmedPathinfo;            if ($ret = $this->doMatch($pathinfo, $allow, $allowSchemes)) {                return $this->redirect($pathinfo, $ret['_route']) + $ret;            }            if ($allowSchemes) {                goto redirect_scheme;            }        }        throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('No routes found for "%s".', $pathinfo));    }    private function doMatch(string $pathinfo, array &$allow = [], array &$allowSchemes = []): array    {        $allow = $allowSchemes = [];        $pathinfo = rawurldecode($pathinfo) ?: '/';        $trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/') ?: '/';        $context = $this->context;        $requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();        if ($this->matchHost) {            $host = strtolower($context->getHost());        }        if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {            $canonicalMethod = 'GET';        }        $supportsRedirections = 'GET' === $canonicalMethod && $this instanceof RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface;        foreach ($this->staticRoutes[$trimmedPathinfo] ?? [] as [$ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes, $hasTrailingSlash, , $condition]) {            if ($condition && !($this->checkCondition)($condition, $context, 0 < $condition ? $request ?? $request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo) : null)) {                continue;            }            if ($requiredHost) {                if ('{' !== $requiredHost[0] ? $requiredHost !== $host : !preg_match($requiredHost, $host, $hostMatches)) {                    continue;                }                if ('{' === $requiredHost[0] && $hostMatches) {                    $hostMatches['_route'] = $ret['_route'];                    $ret = $this->mergeDefaults($hostMatches, $ret);                }            }            if ('/' !== $pathinfo && $hasTrailingSlash === ($trimmedPathinfo === $pathinfo)) {                if ($supportsRedirections && (!$requiredMethods || isset($requiredMethods['GET']))) {                    return $allow = $allowSchemes = [];                }                continue;            }            $hasRequiredScheme = !$requiredSchemes || isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()]);            if ($hasRequiredScheme && $requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {                $allow += $requiredMethods;                continue;            }            if (!$hasRequiredScheme) {                $allowSchemes += $requiredSchemes;                continue;            }            return $ret;        }        $matchedPathinfo = $this->matchHost ? $host.'.'.$pathinfo : $pathinfo;        foreach ($this->regexpList as $offset => $regex) {            while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {                foreach ($this->dynamicRoutes[$m = (int) $matches['MARK']] as [$ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes, $hasTrailingSlash, $hasTrailingVar, $condition]) {                    if (null !== $condition) {                        if (0 === $condition) { // marks the last route in the regexp                            continue 3;                        }                        if (!($this->checkCondition)($condition, $context, 0 < $condition ? $request ?? $request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo) : null)) {                            continue;                        }                    }                    $hasTrailingVar = $trimmedPathinfo !== $pathinfo && $hasTrailingVar;                    if ($hasTrailingVar && ($hasTrailingSlash || (null === $n = $matches[\count($vars)] ?? null) || '/' !== ($n[-1] ?? '/')) && preg_match($regex, $this->matchHost ? $host.'.'.$trimmedPathinfo : $trimmedPathinfo, $n) && $m === (int) $n['MARK']) {                        if ($hasTrailingSlash) {                            $matches = $n;                        } else {                            $hasTrailingVar = false;                        }                    }                    if ('/' !== $pathinfo && !$hasTrailingVar && $hasTrailingSlash === ($trimmedPathinfo === $pathinfo)) {                        if ($supportsRedirections && (!$requiredMethods || isset($requiredMethods['GET']))) {                            return $allow = $allowSchemes = [];                        }                        continue;                    }                    foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {                        if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {                            $ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];                        }                    }                    if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {                        $allowSchemes += $requiredSchemes;                        continue;                    }                    if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {                        $allow += $requiredMethods;                        continue;                    }                    return $ret;                }                $regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + \strlen($m));                $offset += \strlen($m);            }        }        if ('/' === $pathinfo && !$allow && !$allowSchemes) {            throw new NoConfigurationException();        }        return [];    }}