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<?php/* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator;/** * ConfigurableRequirementsInterface must be implemented by URL generators that * can be configured whether an exception should be generated when the parameters * do not match the requirements. It is also possible to disable the requirements * check for URL generation completely. * * The possible configurations and use-cases: * - setStrictRequirements(true): Throw an exception for mismatching requirements. This *   is mostly useful in development environment. * - setStrictRequirements(false): Don't throw an exception but return an empty string as URL for *   mismatching requirements and log the problem. Useful when you cannot control all *   params because they come from third party libs but don't want to have a 404 in *   production environment. It should log the mismatch so one can review it. * - setStrictRequirements(null): Return the URL with the given parameters without *   checking the requirements at all. When generating a URL you should either trust *   your params or you validated them beforehand because otherwise it would break your *   link anyway. So in production environment you should know that params always pass *   the requirements. Thus this option allows to disable the check on URL generation for *   performance reasons (saving a preg_match for each requirement every time a URL is *   generated). * * @author Fabien Potencier <> * @author Tobias Schultze <> */interface ConfigurableRequirementsInterface{    /**     * Enables or disables the exception on incorrect parameters.     * Passing null will deactivate the requirements check completely.     */    public function setStrictRequirements(?bool $enabled);    /**     * Returns whether to throw an exception on incorrect parameters.     * Null means the requirements check is deactivated completely.     *     * @return bool|null     */    public function isStrictRequirements();}