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<?php/* @description     Transformation Style Sheets - Revolutionising PHP templating    * * @author          Tom Butler                                             * * @copyright       2017 Tom Butler <> |                      * * @license  BSD License * * @version         1.2                                                             */namespace Transphporm\Property;class ContentReplace {	private $content;	public function __construct(Content $content) {		$this->content = $content;	}	public function replaceContent($element, $content) {		if ($element->getAttribute('transphporm') == 'added') return;		//If this rule was cached, the elements that were added last time need to be removed prior to running the rule again.		if ($element->getAttribute('transphporm')) {			$this->replaceCachedContent($element);		}		$this->insertNodes($element, $content);		//Remove the original element from the final output		$element->setAttribute('transphporm', 'remove');	}	private function insertNodes($element, $content) {		foreach ($this->content->getNode($content, $element->ownerDocument) as $node) {			if ($node instanceof \DomElement && !$node->getAttribute('transphporm'))  $node->setAttribute('transphporm', 'added');			$element->parentNode->insertBefore($node, $element);		}	}	private function replaceCachedContent($element) {		$el = $element;		while ($el = $el->previousSibling) {			if ($el->nodeType == 1 && $el->getAttribute('transphporm') != 'remove') {				$el->parentNode->removeChild($el);			}		}		$this->fixPreserveWhitespaceRemoveChild($element);	}	// $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false should fix this but it doesn't	// Remove extra whitespace created by removeChild to avoid the cache growing 1 byte every time it's reloaded	// This may need to be moved in future, anywhere elements are being removed and files are cached may need to apply this fix	// Also remove any comments to avoid the comment being re-added every time the cache is reloaded	private function fixPreserveWhitespaceRemoveChild($element) {		if ($element->previousSibling instanceof \DomComment || ($element->previousSibling instanceof \DomText && $element->previousSibling->isElementContentWhiteSpace())) {			$element->parentNode->removeChild($element->previousSibling);		}	}