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<?php/* @description     Transformation Style Sheets - Revolutionising PHP templating    * * @author          Tom Butler                                             * * @copyright       2017 Tom Butler <> |                      * * @license  BSD License * * @version         1.2                                                             */namespace Transphporm\Parser;/** Parses "string" and function(args) e.g. data(foo) or iteration(bar) */class Value {	private $baseData;	private $autoLookup;	/*		Stores the last value e.g.			"a" + "b"		Will store "a" before reading the token for the + and perfoming the concatenate operation	*/	private $last;	private $data;	private $result;	private $traversing = false;	private $allowNullResult = false;	private $tokenFuncs = [			Tokenizer::NOT => 'processComparator',			Tokenizer::EQUALS => 'processComparator',			Tokenizer::DOT => 'processDot',			Tokenizer::OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET => 'processSquareBracket',			Tokenizer::ARG => 'processSeparator',			Tokenizer::CONCAT => 'processSeparator',			Tokenizer::SUBTRACT => 'processSeparator',			Tokenizer::MULTIPLY => 'processSeparator',			Tokenizer::DIVIDE => 'processSeparator',			Tokenizer::NAME => 'processScalar',			Tokenizer::NUMERIC => 'processString',			Tokenizer::BOOL => 'processString',			Tokenizer::STRING => 'processString',			Tokenizer::OPEN_BRACKET => 'processBrackets',			Tokenizer::GREATER_THAN => 'processComparator',			Tokenizer::LOWER_THAN => 'processComparator',			Tokenizer::IN => 'processComparator'		];	public function __construct($data, $autoLookup = false, $allowNullResult = false) {		$this->baseData = $data;		$this->autoLookup = $autoLookup;		$this->allowNullResult = $allowNullResult;	}	public function parse($str) {		$tokenizer = new Tokenizer($str);		$tokens = $tokenizer->getTokens();		$this->result = $this->parseTokens($tokens, $this->baseData);		return $this->result;	}	public function parseTokens($tokens, $data = null) {		if (count($tokens) === 0) return [$data];		$this->result = new ValueResult();		$this->data = new ValueData($data ? $data : $this->baseData);		$this->last = new Last($this->data, $this->result, $this->autoLookup);		$this->traversing = false;		foreach ($tokens as $name => $token) {			if ($token['type'] == 'WHITESPACE' || $token['type'] == 'NEWLINE') continue;			$this->{$this->tokenFuncs[$token['type']]}($token);		}		$this->last->process();		return $this->result->getResult();	}	private function processComparator($token) {		$this->allowNullResult = false;		$this->last->process();		if (!(in_array($this->result->getMode(), array_keys($this->tokenFuncs, 'processComparator')) && $token['type'] == Tokenizer::EQUALS)) {			$this->result->setMode($token['type']);			$this->last->clear();		}	}	//Reads the last selected value from $data regardless if it's an array or object and overrides $this->data with the new value	//Dot moves $data to the next object in $data moves the $data pointer from `foo` to `bar`	private function processDot() {		$lastResult = $this->last->traverse();		//When . is not preceeded by anything, treat it as part of the string instead of an operator		// is treated as looking up `bar` in `foo` whereas .foo is treated as the string ".foo"		if ($lastResult) {			$this->last->makeTraversing();		}		else if ($this->last->isEmpty())  {			$this->processString(['value' => '.']);			$this->result->setMode(Tokenizer::CONCAT);		}		$this->last->clear();	}	private function hasFunction($name) {		return $this->baseData instanceof \Transphporm\Functionset && $this->baseData->hasFunction($name);	}	private function processSquareBracket($token) {		if ($this->hasFunction($this->last->read())) {			$this->callTransphpormFunctions($token);		}		else {			$this->last->traverse();			$this->last->set($this->getNewParser()->parseTokens($token['value'], null)[0]);			if (!is_bool($this->last->read())) $this->last->makeTraversing();		}	}	private function processSeparator($token) {		$this->result->setMode($token['type']);	}	private function processScalar($token) {		if (is_scalar($this->last->read())) {			$this->result->processValue($this->last->read());		}		$this->last->set($token['value']);	}	private function processString($token) {		$this->result->processValue($token['value']);	}	private function processBrackets($token) {		if ($this->hasFunction($this->last->read())			&& !$this->data->methodExists($this->last->read())) {			$this->callTransphpormFunctions($token);		}		else {			$this->last->processNested($this->getNewParser(), $token);		}	}	private function getNewParser() {		return new Value($this->baseData, $this->autoLookup);	}	private function callTransphpormFunctions($token) {		$val = $this->baseData->{$this->last->read()}($token['value']);		$this->result->processValue($val);		if ($this->autoLookup && is_string($val) && $this->allowNullResult) {			$parser = new Value($this->data->getData());			$parsedArr = $parser->parse($val);			$parsedVal = isset($parsedArr[0]) ? $parsedArr[0] : null;		}		else $parsedVal = null;        $this->result->postProcess($this->data, $val, $parsedVal, $this->allowNullResult);		$this->last->clear();	}}