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<?php/* @description     Transformation Style Sheets - Revolutionising PHP templating    * * @author          Tom Butler                                             * * @copyright       2017 Tom Butler <> |                      * * @license  BSD License * * @version         1.2                                                             */namespace Transphporm\Formatter;/** Date/time formatting for use in formmat: property*/class Date {	private $locale;	public function __construct($locale) {		$this->locale = $locale;	}	/** Converts $val into a \DateTime object if it's not already */	private function getDate($val) {		$tz = new \DateTimeZone($this->locale['timezone']);		$date =  $val instanceof \DateTimeInterface ? $val : new \DateTime($val, $tz);		$date->setTimeZone($tz);		return $date;	}	/** Formats date based on supplied $format or default format from $locale */	public function date($val, $format = null) {		$format = $format ? $format : $this->locale['date_format'];		return $this->getDate($val)->format($format);	}	/** Formats \DateTime as time based on supplied $format or default format from $locale */	public function time($val, $format = null) {		$format = $format ? $format : $this->locale['time_format'];		return $this->getDate($val)->format($format);	}	/** Formats \DateTime as Date and Time using formats from $locale */	public function dateTime($val) {		return $this->date($val, $this->locale['date_format'] . ' ' . $this->locale['time_format']);	}	/** Generates relative time offsets based on system clock. e.g "10 minutes ago" or "In 6 months"		using strings from $locale	*/	public function relative($val) {		$now = $this->getDate(null);		$date = $this->getDate($val);		$diff = $now->diff($date);		$diffDays = $diff->invert === 1 ? $diff->days : 0- $diff->days;		if ($diffDays !== 0) return $this->dayOffset($diffDays);		else return $this->timeOffset($diff);	}	/** Calculates offset in hours/minutes/seconds */	private function timeOffset($diff) {		$strings = $this->locale['offset_strings'];		$str = $diff->invert === 1 ? $strings['past'] : $strings['future'];		$parts = ['h' => 'hours', 'i' => 'minutes', 's'  => 'seconds'];		$result = '';		foreach ($parts as $l => $time) {			if ($diff->$l > 0) {				$result = sprintf($str, $diff->$l, $this->getPlural($strings, $diff->$l, $time));				break;			}		}		return $result;	}	/** Gets date ranges to represent uses of weeks/months/days/etc */	private function getRanges($strings) {		$ranges =  [			[1, 1, $strings['yesterday'], 1, ''],			[1, 13, $strings['past'], 1, 'days'],			[13, 28, $strings['past'], 7, 'weeks'],			[28, 365, $strings['past'], 28, 'months'],			[365, 99999999, $strings['past'], 365, 'years'],			[-1, -1, $strings['tomorrow'], 1, ''],			[-13, -1, $strings['future'], 1, 'days'],			[-28, -13, $strings['future'], 7, 'weeks'],			[-365, -28, $strings['future'], 28, 'months'],			[-999999, -365, $strings['future'], 365, 'years'],		];		if (isset($strings['day_before_yesterday'])) $this->add2DayRanges($ranges, $strings['day_before_yesterday'], "before");		if (isset($strings['day_after_tomorrow'])) $this->add2DayRanges($ranges, $strings['day_after_tomorrow'], "after");		return $ranges;	}    private function add2DayRanges(&$ranges, $property, $when) {        $rangeVal = $when === "before" ? 2 : -2;        array_unshift($ranges, [$rangeVal, $rangeVal, $property, 1, '']);    }	/** Converts "week" to "weeks", "month" to "months" etc when plural is required using language from $locale */	private function getPlural($strings, $num, $interval) {		if ($interval !== '') return $num == 1 ? $strings[$interval . '_singular'] : $strings[$interval . '_plural'];		else return '';	}	/** Calculates offset in days/weeks/month/years */	private function dayOffset($diffDays) {		$strings = $this->locale['offset_strings'];		$result = '';		foreach ($this->getRanges($strings) as list($lower, $upper, $str, $divisor, $plural)) {			if ($diffDays >= $lower && $diffDays <= $upper) {				$num = abs(round($diffDays / $divisor));				$result = sprintf($str, $num, $this->getPlural($strings, $num, $plural));				break;			}		}		return $result;	}}